So today I woke up with a bit of a lump in my throat and went to work. I finally finished planning my first hour long training session and I got to sit down with Phil (my manager - awesome guy) and showed him what I was planning. He was happy with it. At 4:00 he walked up and said, ok I've got two people you can train right now. And I thought "OH CRAP!" I did the training thing and it went really well.
Here's a note to all those who said we didn't learn anything at York or anyone who says education programs are useless. I've tried teaching BEFORE I went through the education program and I've tried teaching AFTER I went through the education program and I'm telling you it's night and day.
As for me I'm getting kinda homesick. After bitching about Toronto for years I'm actually missing it. Being in Wellington/Belleville is strange. I never realized how small Belleville was until Tuesday when I drove most of the way across town, paid a bill, and drove back to work again in 28 minutes. It's great that it's more laid back but the lack of options is startling. Then again, you've got whatever you need. In Toronto I can get food from 7 different countries on my corner - in Wellington I can't even order pizza past 9. It's a way different life. It is simpler though. It's easier to maintain focus here.
Anyway, I'm missing Genevieve too - Love you baby! Considering my minor culture shift her culture shock must be pretty intense.
I'll just keep plugging away at work and pray the whole visa thing works out. Argh.
Burns out.
ahh edukator (no wait - that's spelled wrong) ohhhhh you're trying to be ironic.
just to let my favourite people now, I've uploaded some choice pix from your Going Away (Take One) to my flickr site - enjoy!
Glad to hear the job is going well. I can relate to the small town shock. I toured Nebraska for 8 weeks and often the only restaurants in town were Pizza Hut and Subway, and of course they were right next to each other because I'm sure the same person owned both franchises. I swear, Nebraska is keeping the Pizza Hut chain alive! And often there were NO places to eat on Sundays. So sometimes we had to buy food at convenience stores for our dinner (yuck!)
Toronto Sucks!!!!
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