Well, today was action packed. I spent the day cleaning the house here in Wellington with the 'rents. I know it doesn't sound exciting but at least I wasn't in couch mode all day yesterday.

For those of you who don't know, couch mode is a terrible place to be. It usually begins with me waking up and thinking...I have nothing to do today (which is almost always incorrect). Then I lie on the couch for hours and just flip channels. As I do this I sink deeper and deeper into the couch until only my eyes are visible from between a cushion and one finger stretches out to depress the up arrow on the remote. The farther I seep into the couch the darker my depression gets until I'm completely destroyed. I get anxious thinking about things I should be doing like eating, showering, going to the bathroom...breathing. But I keep avoiding them until I finally drag myself out of my pit and have a shower. This usually involves and immediate brightening of the mood followed by the phrase "I feel better!" Couch mode can last hours, a day, or - as in this summer - weeks at a time. Yesterday it lasted until about 5 when I went jogging. I always have the same thought when I get clean and moving. Why did I wait so long to do this? I feel so much better! But therein lies the deep mystery of couch mode. It's secret is as elusive as Unifying Theory of the Universe. One day a great man or woman will crack the secret and our entire world will change. Until then...I lie in my pit and suffer.
But enough of that!
So yeah, I cleaned the windows. Cleaning windows is very rewarding actually. You see immediate and startling results. I've also discovered that 1 Bounty paper towel is wort 2-3 normal towels. They're not shitting you in those ads.
I got bored so I rented a couple of movies. I rented Rent cause as a theatre person I think it's my duty to eventually take this in. I have a feeling I'm going to hate it but we'll see. I also rented Proof which is based on a Pulitzer Prize winning play. I'd heard of it playing in Toronto. Sounds good. Anthony Hopkins/Gweneth Paltrow and Jake Gwheneaaynnayanaynaananal or however you spell his name. I think there's a few more "y"s and "a"s but I got tired.
I'll let you know how they are.
And...no I haven't got my visa yet. They're supposed to actually look into it and get back to me in a day or so. Nice eh!
Solution to all your problems -- use this simple 5-step approach:
1. Call your shipping company in Toronto and indicate that you have one more item to send to England.
2. Locate a large, reinforced corrugated cardboard box (of the type that new refrigerators come in).
3. Approximately 10 minutes before the cargo co. is to arrive to pick up your item, place yourself inside the box.
4. Silently endure several days of pain and isolation inside the box.
5. When you arrive at your destination, emerge from the box, find your other stuff, identify your location, and call Gen to come and get you in a large "lorry."
Voila. You and your stuff arrive in England, and your Visa worries are a thing of the past.
My God man! Why didn't you suggest this sooner?
Yeah, I never really got into RENT either. It was kinda overkill in my college's theatre dept. when that show was big. You couldn't walk down the halls without hearing, "...would you light my candllllllllee.." Puke. Really turned me off it. I have the film on my Netflix queue (I too feel like I should at leave give it a shot), but it keeps getting pushed down in priority.
I saw Rent in the front row at a performance in London. Maybe it was cuz I was on vacation, travelling for my first time alone, and that I was in London, but I thought it was pretty good. I'm not a fan of musicals, but this one was OK. Like a good TV show.
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