On the far left hand side there is actually water but it's a very narrow channel. Prince Edward County (referred to as simply "The County" by people in the area) is amazingly beautiful and jam packed with artists. It's an amazing place. A lot of people know it because of the Sandbanks Provincial Park. It's one of the longest, if not the longest, stretch of fresh water beach in North America. It's got actual sand dunes and it's quite amazing. There's a huge camp ground there. The area is undergoing a transformation lately as it is discovered by Urban dwellers and retiring boomers. In 2000 the first winery opened here and more have followed so now you've got beautiful landscape, vineyards, a thriving artistic community and... well... what's missing here... oh...a theatre! Don't worry my father is working on getting a professional theatre company up and running here. Hopefully it'll be a go by next summer! Here's keeping our fingers crossed.
Ok, I'll stop talking like a tour guide now. We got here this afternoon and I'm feeling really relaxed. We'll be here until Tuesday and then we're going to my Mom's house in Sutton until Friday. It's small town living for us for the next week!
Many thanks to all who showed up at our party last night! Thanks especially to Maureen who threw the shindig.
I know it's all me posting so far but Genevieve will post shortly!
1 comment:
I will be posting shortly, as soon as a certain someone sends me an invite to join this supposed "joint" blog of ours...
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