Sunday, September 17, 2006

Genevieve Lands, I'm bored.

Genevieve landed safe and sound this morning at in London England where she was met by her Aunt and Uncle. Unfortunately the 15 boxes we shipped over have gone AWOL. I'm not sure what's going on but last I heard Gen was going to call the shipping company we'd gone through and try and figure it out with them.

So Genevieve is staying with her lovely family in London. Thank God they're such wonderful understanding and helpful people, they've really been great.

As for me, well, with nothing to do I've decided to try and sleep my way through this crisis. I figure I'll wake up and I'll be in London. I'll be so well rested I won't have to sleep for weeks and my school will consider me the best teacher ever. I'll be promoted to Head Teacher (principal) by December and it'll all have been worth it.

As you can tell I'm already starting to go a little stir crazy.

Today has actually been pretty good. I got up and did some writing and then, miracle of miracles, I went for an hour walk/jog! It's the first exercise I've done in 2 months. I've determined to lose weight and get in better shape over the coming months. My body is completely seized up. My shoulders hurt...probably cause I'm lying on them all the time. My back hurts, I have no energy. So too that end I've quit drinking as well. Well I've cut down to almost zero. That alone gave me a huge boost of energy.

My brother Anthony and his fiance Candace came up for dinner so that was fun. There they are...ok I sort of woke Anthony up and forced them to pose.

I'm off to Wellington again tomorrow. I can help Dad out with his theatre company tasks for a few days and work on something instead of sitting and worrying.

That's all for now my faithful readers.


Jules said...

Hello there. Found your blog through Jessie's What Are We. You might be interested in my blog, since you're looking to get in shape (that's what I'm trying to do too). Nice blog! Later.

slaghammer said...

Hey, thanks for dropping by my blog.
By the way, the pic with your head back and mouth wide open is freaking hilarious. A bold move on your part I have to say.

Paul said...

Anthony's got a fiance!?!?! God I remember when he was just a lil' twerp!