But sometimes strange things happen. A friend of my father's called and mentioned that he'd just started managing a call centre. I've been working in call centre's off and on for about 8 years now so my dad asked him if they were hiring. Turns out it's a very new call centre so they really need knowledgeable people. After talking to Phil (dad's friend) he thought I could train people. So I went in for an interview today and convinced the Operations Manager that, despite the fact that I'm only going to be around for 4 weeks (maybe more) I could really help them out.
She asked me to sit down and listen to some calls and inform them what I could do to help. I listened for about and hour and then noted the areas I saw for improvement. I prioritized what we should focus on based on their goals and needs and she hired me! Amazing how convincing you can be when you actually know what you're talking about. This type of training is something I've really wanted to do for a long time so it's a good match.
As for Genevieve, when she arrived at the house where the recruitment company was going to put us up she found it was an
Strange synchronicity on the job front, makes you wonder if there's someone looking out for you.
Anyway, off to work tomorrow. Whoo Hoo!
P.S. Happy anniversary Genevieve. Sorry I can't be there. I love you!
Hey, guys I am very excited for your good news and it came on your special day too! Much love. Valerie.
Thanks Mummy - love you!
Thanks Mummy! Sign your name next time. :)
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