My first real morning in Britain, and I have consumed the following for breakfast:
fried tomato
pro-biotic yogurt
grapefruit from tin
3 cups milky coffee, bodum-style
1 egg
and the cream of the crop, drum roll please...
3 small, dainty slices of black pudding. Which is not some lucious chocolate dessert (for the ignorant among you) but rather, organ meat. Mmmm, nothing like a nice plate of offal to get your day off to the right start. Actually, it's pretty tasty, and I'm weirded out to confess I actually quite like it! It must be in the genes or something.
It's certainly a change from the modest small pot of lo-cal yogurt and pious fruit segments I normally ingest. Don't worry - I did at least manage to turn down the lashings of hot toast dripping butter. Regime of health, yoga, and jogging to begin I shall have time on my hands until school begins on the 25th.
Very warm and sunny in Chistlehurst today (which is the small, village subhurb to the south east of London where my aunt Jane and family live, and where I am crashing for the moment)
Above is a photo of the church in the main square (or at least I hope it is, if I attached it properly!)
Still no sign of our shipped cargo - another round of endless phone calls awaits today. Good thing I have been so thoroughly fed!
Hey you posted something! Whoo hoo! I'm not sure why that picutre isn't coming up but if you click on it it'll show it.
Check out
Crazy concept...take a picture of the guys blog on your screen in some crazy way and he'll post it. Mine involves a duck.
Wow! Blog Spam! Who the hell would answer that thing? Word verification enabled!
Glad to hear you got there and safe, and most importantly ate fried tomatoes!!
I miss you guys already!
And im reviving my blog. Or maybe im just kicking a dead horse..hmmm..
Thanks for the commenting, and adding a link to my art blog. Stop by again, and check out my GraffitiMyBlog post and give it a try. The idea for it came about shortly after I put my entry in at shootmyblog. My entry is the dragon burning the screen.
bye for now
What, no baked beans? What kind of English Breakfast is that?
Yeah...I gained a lot of weight when living in London. I don't know what made me think the food was worth the wasn't even that good. I think it was just the novelty of living in a foreign country that made bangers n' mash seem so appealing.
Heh heh, I said bangers.
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