Thousands of schools are shut and motorists are being urged to travel only if necessary. Some households are also without power.
Up to 10cm (4in) of snow fell in some areas.4 inches! Bwahahahaha!
Well today was another good one. Likely because I didn't actually end up having to teach. The entire city ground to a halt as 4 inches of snow fell on the city. Apparently it doesn't actually snow in London most years. This was a legitimate snow fall and it created all kinds of problems.
It took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to take the usual 45 minute train ride to work. Apparently the snow was interfering with the current. I'm not surprised because trains here are constantly sending out huge sparks as they travel along. Then again...shouldn't they be built a little safer?
I got off at one station and crossed over to the other side of the platform there was a constant blue arc shooting out of one wheel. It looked like a welders torch. It quickly began to burn through the metal of the track. Then flames started appearing as well as smoke. There was a worker with a walkie talkie saying things like "Move the train off the platform before it welds itself to the rail!" Apparently it couldn't move... or wouldn't. Eventually the arc stopped. I think it burnt a whole in the rail.
<--- not my kids but you get the picture.
Then break time hit and the snowball war started. It was awesome! here we had about 14 kids who have major social and emotional problems having a huge snowball fight for about 40 minutes. I was out there on my own for about 10 minutes and had a great time chucking snow around. The kids got to whip snowballs at the teacher and, more importantly, I got to throw snowballs at them.
The only point I got really nervous was when this one year 11 student who is REALLY muscular came after me. He kept coming for me and trying to push snow in my face and eventually we ended up grappling. I thought I might be dead. Eventually he took me down - hard. So I got up again and took him down - hard. Really glad I managed to. I think I earned some respect. :) Amazing experience because none of this would be tolerated at a "mainstream" school.
Then we went inside and had hot chocolate.
It was a fun day.
One day left and I'm off for a week.
Thank God.
Hi guys!
I saw some news coverage on the snow that fell in London. On the other side of the drink we've finally received a proper winter. My mum's in Barrie where they've really been blanketed (I think more than a meter in days).
Anyhoo, I've been reading your blog and I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well.
John had some shows at the Laugh Resort this weekend and the Doo Wops have a new song called "One in the Stink, two in the Pink" ... need I say more?
Take care and stay warm!
Shawne, John and the ole baby Catucci!
AHoy hoy, Mr. Buuuuuuurrrns! (and the Mrs.!),
I've jut been catching up on your blog and flickr photos and it sounds and looks like you guys are having the time of your lives!! The job sounds gruelling but rewarding. I'm impressed that you can tackle yor students in the snow. That must be quite a school you teach at; and tough, too. Now if you could tackle the other teachers, then that would make it the toughest damn school in the country!
As I write this it's quarter past ten and I'm waiting for Ms. Krauss to return from school. We're going to book our trip to Pureto Vallarta tonight online(last minute and cheap!) and I can't wait until it's finalized. That and I want to watch tonight's episode of 24 that I taped for her.
In case you are wondering what Lindsay is doing at school so late, she's particpating in a 'Mock Trial' at Osgoode. It's essentially a variety show where the law students take the piss out of their professors and their program. They perform three shows later this weekend. Who knew that law school would provide such creative outlet!
In other news I'll be coming over at the end of May to see my very-soon to be delivered new niece or nephew and I should be darkening London's door--so be warned!! Hopefully Lindsay will be in the area too (as she has her own travelling plans for the Spring) so we can all have a grand ol' time together!
Keep up the good work with the blog and enjoy the snow.
My best to you both, Cheers, Neil.
PS: Hey, Catucci, if you're reading this, sorry we missed your show on Saturday, tickets were sold out!!
Our city grinds to a screeching halt with even a hint of ice showing up on the roads. There simply aren’t the resources to handle it. It all works out great for me since I love driving on ice, especially when there’s nobody else on the roads. It only happens on average maybe once every two or three years so it’s a pretty big deal.
Hey guys! Comments! Woo hoo!
Mckeown: say hi to the Catoo for me and give the baby a pat on the head for me...or whatever end is facing up.
Neil: Wow! A trip to Puerto Vallarta! That'll be awesome. It'll be awesome to hook up with you and the Linds'er in May. Keep us posted.
Slaghammer: You should move to Canada, then you could drive on ice ALL the time. And you'd have the added bonus of not living in America :).
BWAHAHAHA!!! They can have some of the 10+ inches we've got right now in Chicago.
Good to hear you two are doing well in the acting world. Keep us updated.
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