Friday, January 05, 2007

Musings on the Importance and Random Occurance of Support.

I'm really amazed at what some kind words can do --> even if they're from unexpected sources. Maybe especially when they're from unexpected sources.

I just started back for the New Year. I've been feeling lower than I've felt in a long time. I'm terrified of all the planning, marking, assessment, collection of student work, databases of student marks and long term planning that are just lacking from my teaching life. I'm struggling to get 4 lessons planned for tomorrow and just can't get the big picture in place. Plus I'm massively disorgainzed.

Babagenouche has been amazing to me the last few days including a wonderful dinner tonight. Then I read a comment by a Sledgehammer (who I've never met) on my New Year's posting and I feel much better. Thanks Sledge! And thanks Julie. And thanks everybody who's written and said nice things to me!



slaghammer said...
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slaghammer said...

I’m glad I could be of service. Also, it probably seems like a trivial distinction, but my name is “slag” hammer. A “sledge” hammer is an undiscriminating tool of destruction, while a slaghammer is a small tool with a pointy little end for chipping slag from arc welds. While in all situations I am undoubtedly a tool, most of the time I opt away from the sledge approach and I am content to chip away at the edges in a minimalist and less traumatic method of operation. Btw, considering the kitchen prowess displayed by Babagenouche in her “Food Porn” post, I predict your new years outlook will be improving at at rapid pace. ;-)

Edukator said...

Apologies Slag. I read it as "sledge" the entire time. Ah the power of the mind...