Well it's Sunday. The lovely Babagenouche and I just returned from the Isle of Wight where we had a great time with her family. The Isle of Wight is a lovely charming place just off the the south east coast of Britain. Babagenouche's grandmother lives there. You can take a look at where we were in the picture on the left!
We left Saturday morning from Debden which couldn't be farther away and still be considered even close to London and took the tube across town. Then we got on an hour and a half train ride which was actually quite nice. It sure beats the Tube. I have no end of complaints about the tube here but I won't bore you with that! We finally got to Portsmouth and took a 15 minute ferry ride across to the Isle of Wight. Babagenouche's Uncle Neil, Aunt Julia, and niece picked us up with her father (who is visiting Britain) and we went to Newport for a tour. We managed to find some pubs and sample so beers as well as poking around.
We finally went back to Babagenouche's grandmother's (Jean) house and had a fantastic time. Fantastic food, lots of laughs, just a plain old good time.
Today I went to my first English castle. That was fun.
I've upload pictures to my flickr site. Check 'em out!
As for me I'm settling into Britain a bit more. I go through phases now where I'm actually starting to like it. I realized that a lot of my irritation was caused by fear. I'm starting to get more comfortable with behaviour in public that would be considered very aggressive and inconsiderate in Canada but here is just boisterous, assertive, or just plain friendly. People talk to each other more here and I'm getting more comfortable with that. I've complained that no one talks to one another in Toronto and that everyone seems to walk around in their own zone of silence but even though I didn't like that I guess I was used to it. There's a lot more conversation here which I'm starting to like. I'm also twigging to the English sense of humour which is different than the Canadian. British folk really like to make fun of each other in a friendly way. I still get the "I hate this place" feeling but it's happening less. I also think this happens when I'm in some place that I'm totally unfamiliar with and it's really the feeling that I just can't get my bearings.
Anyway, meeting up with Babagenouche's family was great and I can't wait to get together with them again. They're a really fun bunch!