There are a lot of things I like here. I live in a great apartment. Genevive is with me (which she wasn't in Korea) and that helps enormously.
Our roomate Rachel is fantastic.
Marks and Spencer is the greates store ever! I bought cod with tomato pesto wrapped in prociutto for 6 pounds. It was all natural and not frozen. Delicious.
Wine and beer are cheap, tasty, and easy to get.
We live in lovely quaint looking area.
The staff at my school are amazing. Even if the students themselvs are hell on wheels. (more about that in another post)
I don't live too far from work.
The food here is amazing. There are so many absolutely delicious foods here.
I can get cheap clothing here apparently (like 5-10 pounds for a pair of trousers. --> Not pants! Pants are underwear here)
I'm on a big adventure that'll get easier and more fun as I go.
Ahh David, you are gaining more and more in my esteem......Yes, Marks & Spencers are the greatest and, after all, your good wife was brought up on their delicious food products so now you know why she turned out so well. (I'm surprised that you are allowed to shop there though!)
Yes, sounds like the Xanax is kicking in. Just take everything nice and easy and don't operate any heavy machinery until you’ve had a chance to sleep it off.
Oh! Marks and Sparks. The food is sent from heaven. Premade and ready to go. OH!
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself in England. All the things that you had mentioned in the previous posting are really just so little, you'll get used to the lifestyle sooner or later. Hope you have fun!
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