Sunday, December 30, 2007

X-mas Tales

Well... Christmas has been great this year. It's been a far cry from last years stress and anxiety. Not that Christmas caused the stress and anxiety it was just the moving to the new country with the new job and all that.

Went to Uncle Neil's and Aunt Julia's on December 23 for Uncle Neil's Birthday and had a lovely time. There was plenty of delicious food and fun. Unfortunately we could only stay one day. We did manage to watch the season finale of Top Gear though. Top Gear is a fantastic car show. It's great. I don't even like cars much but it's akin to watching Emeril's not about the food (or cars) it just a wickedly entertaining show. They come up with the craziest ideas for testing cars. It's hillarious.

We then went to Babagenouche's Aunt and Uncle's House on Christmas Eve. Aunt Jane was away on the Isle of Wight taking care of her mother until the 26th so Baba and I agreed to go over and baby sit. :) We had a great time...much food and drink was consumed.

I got some great gifts. The best one I got (and this sounds really weird but I'm a bit nutty) was a solar charger from Babagenouche. It basically means you can charge any device you need using solar power instead of electricity. Takes me off the grid! Saves me money on my power bill! Reduces Co2! Is portable! Fun!

Babagenouche and I hae been spending some good times over the last week or so. Yesterday we took some Christmas money and went shopping in Oxford Circus. It was pretty manic but not as crowded as I had feared. I've discovered that Marks and Spencers has actually got some decent clothes that are reasonably priced! I thought they were more for old fuddy duddies and were expensive but they're alright! I got two shirts and a pair of chords and Baba got a pair of jeans (after 16 hours of trying things on might I add).

The best was that we then went to SoHo and got some Korean food. Ummmm....I love Korean. We even ordered a bottle of the dreaded Soju. Soju is the Korean equivilant to rice wine. It tastes like sweet vodka but does terrible things to your body. I drank a quite drunk and then was hit with a terrible headache ... all in about 40 minutes! Woo hoo!

Anyway, I've been enjoying all my gifts. Thanks all!


babagenouche said...

While slandering my good name and suggesting I'm a frivolous female dragging my poor man through endless shops, what Edukator conviniently forgot to mention was the four hours I spent waiting for him while he pranced about in the Marks and Spencers changing room, bleating "Does my ass look fat in these pleated jeans?"

Edukator said...

Well that certainly beats "Do I look good in this? Yes...well I like it but...I don't know... It's 20 quid... I like no nevermind...I don't know" (Repeat 100 times)