Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Busy But Laid Back

Busy But Laid Back. Like this lady in the picture. Busy but in a calm yogic place.

Babagenouche says she's discovered why there are so many great academics in this country. It's because it's cold and rainy all the time so everyone just sits inside and reads and writes.

I concur!

Bab went out today to scout buildings for her character in her upcoming project. They'll be using the pictures of houses around London to show where their characters live. They also took pictures of coffee shops and stuff that their characters would hang out in. Pretty cool actually. Good way of getting into the character as well. Just what sort of building would your character want to live in?

I had a chilled out but productive day. Did a lot of reading of "Yellow Brick Roads." Which is a book about teaching. We got it in University but I didn't have time to really process it. This is one of my big complaints about education. In fact I think it's everyone's complaint about education. The "Brain Dump." Like here's 1000 pages of text you have to read this week and then we'll talk about it. Then we'll do 1000 more next week! We were taught repeatedly not to do this in teacher's college...while they continued to do this to us anyway.

Why is it I read all the books I was supposed to read in University AFTER I finished University? I got curious about all those books sitting on my shelf. Schools have a real skill at taking the pleasure OUT of reading. I loved Harry Potter as do many other people I know. Now think if I told you that you had to read 4 chapters a day no matter what. How fun would that be?

How do I avoid this as a teacher?

I have no idea.

But I digress.

I'm really stoked about the upcoming school year. No matter what happens at least I'LL be interested in what I'm teaching. I have all this energy. I got all kinds of stuff done today, found resources for History and Geography. I'll be posting any good links on this blog to share with any teacher's out there who might be interested. Got mailing done, made notes and plans for English, went shopping. Very productive day!

And now to bed.


Unknown said...

Rainy and cold. The sun's crackin the flags here in glasgae and I have wasted most of the day on a luvverly bike ride along the forth and clyde canal. I guess there's just a permanent rain cloud over Debden ;-)

Edukator said...

"Sun's crackin the flags"

I love it! God bless scottish jargon.

Still raining here. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow. Hopefully!