Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Feeling Better

Ok so I'm feeling much better. Thanks to those who posted comments on the 'ol blog on that one. Made me feel a bit better. I had a guy come in from a high school near by on Monday and show me the ropes of the curriculum a bit. That's relieved a lot of confusion and stress. The wife and the roomate have been great support and I have great family and friends who have been incredible. I even have friends in blogger land who are checking in on me and helping me out. Thanks all!

I feel pretty good because today we got to a point with the play we're working on that was very encouraging. It's been a constant battle through the whole process as students have been in and out and doing interactive work is very difficult for them. Today the Drama group, the art group, and the singing/dance group all showed what they'd developed so far and it went much very well. The students actually watched each others work respectfully and I think they were surprised at how things are going. It's getting down to the crunch and they're coming together. It's very exciting to see.

I'm starting Capoeira tonight. It's some sort of Brazilian martial art/dance type thing. I need excercise and an outlet for stress so it should help. Apparently it's African in origin but really big in Brazil.

Read all about it here.



Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've seemed to have a breakthrough. Sunday was probably your lowest point, and now you're starting to see the light after the storm. Yay for the play coming together. I'm curious to hear about your dance class!

Anonymous said...

for you - some capoeira videos from Brazil. its my site, i take care of things round there.