That's amazing. 6 days and it appears my heart has become much stronger already. How incredible is that? I mean if that kind of improvement is possible in 6 days what's possible in 6 months? Also, if that kind of consistent effort pays those kind of dividends in that area how could that kind of thing help in others? I'm inspired.
This also connects to work in Drama, I believe. Drama is so much about unblocking yourself that you inevitably get into this stuff when you're doing the work. In fact - it seems that all creative endeavours inevitably wander into this realm because ridding yourself of the fears and self defeating blocks enable you to do the work. You just can't do much if you can't over come those things.
Then there's Yoga!
I've been hesitant to type this but hell with it. I've been feeling pretty down lately and
I know it's the voice in my head running me down. I hate it I really do. That negativity that just plays endlessly and is so self defeating. I've done a lot of stuff to overcome this over my life time, in fact a lot of people do. So I was considering the 'ol Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, then I thought about this book "The Artists Way" which is brilliant. I thought of meditation which made me think of daily affirmations and stuff like that...and by the way the affirmation thing has never worked for me at all. Try this - think of something you're think you're bad at and then tell yourself you're good at it 10 times. Like say, try "I am the greatest teacher in the world." Your brain immediately starts arguing in the opposite direction. Cause no matter what I know I'm not. I don't think affirmations work...but I'm off on a tangent.
Anyway this all lead me to motivational speakers. This lead me to the famous Tony Robbins - who I have never had any interest in before. I watched some You Tube stuff and thought hmm....maybe he's worth a look. Then - and most importantly I think I found a website that showed that listening to motivational tapes for like 20 - 40 minutes a day or something actually resulted in mood elevation that lasted much longer than just the duration of the tape and resulted in increased mood and confidence over all. I thought that this made sense actually because it connects to CBT - it's about focusing your thoughts on the positive for 20 -40 minutes which would hopefully keep going longer than that and eliminate the negative recordings and core beliefs you had.
So I downloaded some of Tony Robbins stuff and I've been listening to it. The stuff he talks about connects to CBT, all the therapies I've been talking about, the process your brain goes through with meditation so I think he actually makes sense. But most importantly...I feel better! The exercise has made a HUGE difference, I've been eating well and I haven't had a drink in over a week...I actually feel great.
Whew. I just typed a whole lot. You can tell I'm on vacation when I start philosophizing and pontificating. Why did I type all this?
Maybe, just maybe it IS possible to create positivity and happiness in your life. Maybe the way you think and feel - and thus act and achieve IS within your control