Check this out!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Genoa Dreams Dashed
No Genoa for me.
I got to the airport pulled out my passport and...get this... it's hillarious! I pull out the passport and hand it over right? And this is the good part...hands it back's my wife's! HA! I grabbed the wrong passport. All flights are booked to Genoa until Thursday! HAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA HA HA! sob...
I was just looking on a great site from our good friend Mr. Stromoloupopous at the CBC. I know it's probably spelled wrong but I'm sure he's used to it. It's called "Is this a good idea?" They show product ideas and you vote whether you think it's a good idea or not. There's one for the Velo car which I think is a great idea except they cost $9 - 12,000.
Basically they're super aerodynamic, cover you in rainy weather, travel through snow (though I don't know how well protected you are) and can be power assisted to make travelling easier. Now I know they look ridiculous but so does the Smart Car and the Hummer but that's also their appeal. I say make 'em affordable and they'll take off. I personally would love one. They're hillarious.
Check out Canada's dealer at or the video at
Why is this not on my environmental blog you ask? It's doesn't fit its mandate of easy to implement affordable and effortless changes that people can make. This one is expensive and a huge paradigm shift.
I got to the airport pulled out my passport and...get this... it's hillarious! I pull out the passport and hand it over right? And this is the good part...hands it back's my wife's! HA! I grabbed the wrong passport. All flights are booked to Genoa until Thursday! HAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA HA HA! sob...
Check out Canada's dealer at or the video at
Why is this not on my environmental blog you ask? It's doesn't fit its mandate of easy to implement affordable and effortless changes that people can make. This one is expensive and a huge paradigm shift.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
11 Hours to Genoa
I think the Ritalin experiment is over. It's made me edgy, anxious, scattered and when it wears of I feel EXHAUSTED. I mean like I haven't slept in 3 days. No good at all.
I haven't go much planning done but I've got a ton of other stuff - as they say here - sorted.
I met up with a guy by the name of Simon Legge that I haven't seen since I was in Grade 8. That would be 20 years ago! He was only at De La Salle with me for that one year but he found me on Facebook and it turns out he live in London. Babagenouche and I went out with Simon and his lady last night and had a great time! He works in Finance and actually gave me some tax advice! Turns out that if I get an offshore account, get my pay deposited into it, then transfer it to an account here I would be in for some serious tax savings. Nutty eh? The government opened this loophole about 10 years ago to attract wealthy people from other countries to come here and spend their money...apparently... and it works for me too.
Anyway that's about it for me for a week. In the meantime check out this video!
Friday, October 26, 2007
If I'm on Vacation Why am I so Tired?
I'm supposed to be on vacation but all I've done for days is run around London and sort things transfers...Dr. Appointments...Library cards...going to school to plan...getting mobile phones...setting up all options on said mobile companies...
Then I seem determined to give myself projects. The Effortlees Environmentalism Blog for example. Now I'm coming up with proposals to lower my schools carbon imprint. This means I have work hanging over my head all day.
What happened to the guy who used to sit in front of the tv all day??
Then I seem determined to give myself projects. The Effortlees Environmentalism Blog for example. Now I'm coming up with proposals to lower my schools carbon imprint. This means I have work hanging over my head all day.
What happened to the guy who used to sit in front of the tv all day??
Thursday, October 25, 2007
The Ritalin Diaries
As many people know I have ADD. I don't have ADD/HD which is the kind what most people refer to as just ADD. AD/HD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which has that hyperactivity factor that everyone knows about. I just have the Attention Deficit Part of it.
I have a fairly mild case, I believe. This makes it incredibly sneaky though. Organizing and planning is extremely difficult, my memory is terrible, thinking ahead is difficult (as in...I arrive at the video store and realize I don't have the videos, or I arrive at the train terminal and realize I don't have the train tickets.)
So anyway, thanks to my big Sis I got diagnosed by a Dr. Turgay in Toronto when I was back for the summer. He prescribed concerta which is, essentially, slow release Ritalin.
I wanted something like this because I went to a total quack in Toronto named Dr. Hoffer on St. Clair (if you go there run away!) and he gave me Dexedrine which caused wild mood swings and abilities to concentrate as it kicked in and wore off again throughout the day. So I started on Concerta. I started on a low dose and slowly moved up. It made a WORLD of difference.
I could suddenly organize and sequence my thoughts. I'd think: Ok pack my bag with the the books and stuff for the post office, I'll go to the post office on the way to school, get stamps and envelope there, get on the bus and head to school. It'll take about an hour. What needs to be done TODAY? When I get to school I'll plan out the English. I'll print anything I need to copy as I go. I'll go copy it and put it in that plastic folder I've so cleverly added to my folder. I'll make up the list of instructions for the whiteboard. Then I should have time for marking. Then it's teaching time.
Without Ritalin I can't sequence or prioritize. It goes more like this: I've got to plan that stuff for English. Gotta go. Wait - what about the post office. Where's my bag? Eat breakfast. I've got planning to do. Damn I've got to mail that thing. I'll never get to school on time. Oops I should throw those in the laundry. I've got to plan English or I'm in trouble. Oh the marking. Gotta plan English. I'll have to do photo copying to. Where are my shoes? Gotta plan English. Ok I'll go to the post office. Oh where's the letter? I'll have to make copies. Where's the letter. I've got to plan English. Got the letter. Go!
Guess when I feel calmer and more confident?
Anyway I came over here and I've been battling the system to get more Concerta (loooong story). I finally got a prescription but it's for just normal Ritalin for the moment.
Day 1 I felt good. I could feel the ups and downs happening but not as bad as on Dexedrine. At the end of the day though I felt compeletly exhausted - like I hadn't slept in days. Ritalin is a stimulant so when it wore off I think I was wiped. Didn't eat much though either as it kills your appetite.
Day 2 I was ok but I felt really stimulated and jittery. I also did a couple of ADDish things like buying something then leaving it at the store...and getting on the wrong train. I came home aggravated due to the whole train thing and again felt completely and utterly wiped. I was irritable and couldn't concentrate. Again though...I didn't eat that much.
Day 3 Started badly today. The Ritalin made me scattered and irritable when it was kicking in. I decided to take the 2nd one as I was feeling better by then. I think my body needs to adjust to the stuff as well. Felt fine - took the third one and still feel ok. I made sure I ate regularly today so that might be why I'm not so tired.
If anyone out there is on Ritalin...does this stuff sound familiar?
Anyway...I'm off to Canary Wharf for drinks!
I have a fairly mild case, I believe. This makes it incredibly sneaky though. Organizing and planning is extremely difficult, my memory is terrible, thinking ahead is difficult (as in...I arrive at the video store and realize I don't have the videos, or I arrive at the train terminal and realize I don't have the train tickets.)
So anyway, thanks to my big Sis I got diagnosed by a Dr. Turgay in Toronto when I was back for the summer. He prescribed concerta which is, essentially, slow release Ritalin.
I wanted something like this because I went to a total quack in Toronto named Dr. Hoffer on St. Clair (if you go there run away!) and he gave me Dexedrine which caused wild mood swings and abilities to concentrate as it kicked in and wore off again throughout the day. So I started on Concerta. I started on a low dose and slowly moved up. It made a WORLD of difference.
I could suddenly organize and sequence my thoughts. I'd think: Ok pack my bag with the the books and stuff for the post office, I'll go to the post office on the way to school, get stamps and envelope there, get on the bus and head to school. It'll take about an hour. What needs to be done TODAY? When I get to school I'll plan out the English. I'll print anything I need to copy as I go. I'll go copy it and put it in that plastic folder I've so cleverly added to my folder. I'll make up the list of instructions for the whiteboard. Then I should have time for marking. Then it's teaching time.
Without Ritalin I can't sequence or prioritize. It goes more like this: I've got to plan that stuff for English. Gotta go. Wait - what about the post office. Where's my bag? Eat breakfast. I've got planning to do. Damn I've got to mail that thing. I'll never get to school on time. Oops I should throw those in the laundry. I've got to plan English or I'm in trouble. Oh the marking. Gotta plan English. I'll have to do photo copying to. Where are my shoes? Gotta plan English. Ok I'll go to the post office. Oh where's the letter? I'll have to make copies. Where's the letter. I've got to plan English. Got the letter. Go!
Guess when I feel calmer and more confident?
Anyway I came over here and I've been battling the system to get more Concerta (loooong story). I finally got a prescription but it's for just normal Ritalin for the moment.
Day 1 I felt good. I could feel the ups and downs happening but not as bad as on Dexedrine. At the end of the day though I felt compeletly exhausted - like I hadn't slept in days. Ritalin is a stimulant so when it wore off I think I was wiped. Didn't eat much though either as it kills your appetite.
Day 2 I was ok but I felt really stimulated and jittery. I also did a couple of ADDish things like buying something then leaving it at the store...and getting on the wrong train. I came home aggravated due to the whole train thing and again felt completely and utterly wiped. I was irritable and couldn't concentrate. Again though...I didn't eat that much.
Day 3 Started badly today. The Ritalin made me scattered and irritable when it was kicking in. I decided to take the 2nd one as I was feeling better by then. I think my body needs to adjust to the stuff as well. Felt fine - took the third one and still feel ok. I made sure I ate regularly today so that might be why I'm not so tired.
If anyone out there is on Ritalin...does this stuff sound familiar?
Anyway...I'm off to Canary Wharf for drinks!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Correction on my new Blog
Ignore that last message. I've changed my blog name and address to EFFORTLESS ENVIRONMENTALISM
Didn't like that old name much.
I'm still having internet issues so I'm having problems gettting to update things.
I am now the proud owner of a pocket pc. To the uninitated it's a phone/mini computer. It can do everything including your laundry but the most important feature is the organizer that can sync with my computer. Hopefully it will help me run my life.
More exciting and informative posts to come soon.
Monday, October 22, 2007
My New Blog
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Happy 1 Year! I'm going to Genoa!
Well, due to overwork and difficult internet access at the moment I didn't get to acutallly post on my 1 year UK aniversary. It was the 14th. One year since I landed! How crazy is tha? If feels like 5. I've done more this year than any other year I think.
Gotta make this quick as I have guests...but I just booked a flight to Genoa for my half term break! I have a friend who's staying there so I'll be staying with. I'll put more details on that later. I leave on the 29th and come back on the 2nd of Nov.
1 Year...
Landed, set up a new flat, started at a new school, learned how to dial phones, travel around, walk the streets, bought household goods, taught science, battled behavioural psycho kids, lived in the semi-country and was connected to East London which is reknowned for being rough, made new friends, made some really close friends, met new family travelled to new areas of England, Isle of Wight, learned some of London's Geography....then it was Christmas...
Travelled to Tours France for New Year, saw Gen's shows, almost had a nervous breakdown, plowed through the last year, Gen had audtions for BBC, dragged my ass through the final haul...made it to summmer.
Returned to Canada...visited friend in Toronto, went to Brother's wedding, visted family in Sutton, Wellington, Victoria...went to Tofino...flew back...
Started new school...lived in a room 4 days a week for a month...looked like crazy for a house...found house...moved to South London - big bustling city...just about finished first term at new school...
Hello Genoa!
Gotta make this quick as I have guests...but I just booked a flight to Genoa for my half term break! I have a friend who's staying there so I'll be staying with. I'll put more details on that later. I leave on the 29th and come back on the 2nd of Nov.
1 Year...
Landed, set up a new flat, started at a new school, learned how to dial phones, travel around, walk the streets, bought household goods, taught science, battled behavioural psycho kids, lived in the semi-country and was connected to East London which is reknowned for being rough, made new friends, made some really close friends, met new family travelled to new areas of England, Isle of Wight, learned some of London's Geography....then it was Christmas...
Travelled to Tours France for New Year, saw Gen's shows, almost had a nervous breakdown, plowed through the last year, Gen had audtions for BBC, dragged my ass through the final haul...made it to summmer.
Returned to Canada...visited friend in Toronto, went to Brother's wedding, visted family in Sutton, Wellington, Victoria...went to Tofino...flew back...
Started new school...lived in a room 4 days a week for a month...looked like crazy for a house...found house...moved to South London - big bustling city...just about finished first term at new school...
Hello Genoa!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Streatham Living!
We're in!
I'll post some pictures shortly.
I'm liking the new 'hood. It's in the bustling centre of South London so it's prety hectic but there's tons of stuff to do. It's true what they say I think. North and South London are two very different places. South London is busy busy busy but people seem much less aggressive in speech and in actions. Apparently this area used to be a no go zone as it was pretty rough but it's been moving up the ladder. I like it. Mix of high medium and low shops. Cool.
Schools going good. I got pulled into a meeting about not handling the kids strictly enough. Got some pointers and things are going a lot better. Kids are grat but it's a matter of learning the shorthand of wha they know and expect in terms of boundaries and how they should behave.
Anyway, I'm off. Wiped. Plus a few people are coming to dinner in a bit to eat and check out the new pad.
One week and then I get two weeks off! Whoo Hoo!
I'll post some pictures shortly.
I'm liking the new 'hood. It's in the bustling centre of South London so it's prety hectic but there's tons of stuff to do. It's true what they say I think. North and South London are two very different places. South London is busy busy busy but people seem much less aggressive in speech and in actions. Apparently this area used to be a no go zone as it was pretty rough but it's been moving up the ladder. I like it. Mix of high medium and low shops. Cool.
Schools going good. I got pulled into a meeting about not handling the kids strictly enough. Got some pointers and things are going a lot better. Kids are grat but it's a matter of learning the shorthand of wha they know and expect in terms of boundaries and how they should behave.
Anyway, I'm off. Wiped. Plus a few people are coming to dinner in a bit to eat and check out the new pad.
One week and then I get two weeks off! Whoo Hoo!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Moving Day.
We're almost out of Debden! Most of our flat is in boxes and we're moving things down. This is being complicated by the fact there's an East 15 final BBQ today and we're supposed to head down to meet up with Gen's family in Warminster for lunch tomorrow. I made it through the rest of the week at school. It was tough as I was drained of energy an on the back foot planning wise. Friday we took the kids to The Globe and did a workshop on Macbeth. That was cool. They work like I want to work in Drama. Which I pointed out to my head of department.
I'll be packing up the computer now!
I'll be packing up the computer now!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Tonsilitis Without Tonsils
Obviously I didn't make the traditional Sunday entry last week... now why was that? I can't quite remember. Oh yes. I spent all day Saturday house hunting to much pain and heartbreak. This is not a culture shock thing but a statement of truth: Renters and property buyers in this country are screwed left right and centre. The demand so outstrips the supply that you're lucky to get to see a place before it's gone. Then they have these things called "Estate Agents" who are people that charge the owner (and you) a fee for the pleasure of showing you the place. They're the ultimate useless shady and opportunistic middleman. Sunday I had to plan or something and didn't get to the computer.
We did find a place though! On Monday I was supposed to go look at one place but, surprise surprise, got a call that it was already rented. So I went to look at a place Rachael had found which had the extra attractive appeal of being rented by the actual owner. Turns out it was very large in a decent area of town (Streatham) so we took it!
Then I went through last week which by all accounts was a very successful one. At school we're expected to keep a planning folder with all our lesson plans in there so that if we're sick they can pick it up and just go with it. Also, they can check this to see if we're following what we say we'll be doing. Anyone who knows me might realize that this kind of detailed planning is not my strong suit. I passed the test with flying colours though!
Then on Saturday Babagenouch and I went down to Lindhurst (sp?) in The New Forest (which is 400 years old or so) for Baba's grandmother's 83rd birthday. It was a great time. All the sons and daughters were there, various boyfriends, kids and grandmother's. Great laughs and jokes whizzed around. Good times!
Until my throat started to hurt. Then I got a fever. By the time we left I was very, as they say here, poorly. By Sunday I was slightly worse with a raging fever that could only be held somewhat at bay by taking two tablets of paracetamol (tylenol) every 3 hours. Luckily I already had a Dr.'s apt to try and get my ADD medication on Monday. This would be the third such appointment...and no they still didn't give it to me...but don't get me started on that!
Monday I awoke slightly worse and suffered through the day. The doctor informs me I have tonsilitis. I had my tonsils out when I was 4 but he prescribed me antibiotics and I was in no mood to split hairs after arguing about the ADD medication thing.
Awoke today feeling better. Hopefully I'll be back at school tomorrow.
We did find a place though! On Monday I was supposed to go look at one place but, surprise surprise, got a call that it was already rented. So I went to look at a place Rachael had found which had the extra attractive appeal of being rented by the actual owner. Turns out it was very large in a decent area of town (Streatham) so we took it!
Then I went through last week which by all accounts was a very successful one. At school we're expected to keep a planning folder with all our lesson plans in there so that if we're sick they can pick it up and just go with it. Also, they can check this to see if we're following what we say we'll be doing. Anyone who knows me might realize that this kind of detailed planning is not my strong suit. I passed the test with flying colours though!
Then on Saturday Babagenouch and I went down to Lindhurst (sp?) in The New Forest (which is 400 years old or so) for Baba's grandmother's 83rd birthday. It was a great time. All the sons and daughters were there, various boyfriends, kids and grandmother's. Great laughs and jokes whizzed around. Good times!
Until my throat started to hurt. Then I got a fever. By the time we left I was very, as they say here, poorly. By Sunday I was slightly worse with a raging fever that could only be held somewhat at bay by taking two tablets of paracetamol (tylenol) every 3 hours. Luckily I already had a Dr.'s apt to try and get my ADD medication on Monday. This would be the third such appointment...and no they still didn't give it to me...but don't get me started on that!
Monday I awoke slightly worse and suffered through the day. The doctor informs me I have tonsilitis. I had my tonsils out when I was 4 but he prescribed me antibiotics and I was in no mood to split hairs after arguing about the ADD medication thing.
Awoke today feeling better. Hopefully I'll be back at school tomorrow.
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